zo 1 oktober 2023
15:00 (CET)
Plankstraat 18
3800 Sint-Truiden
Basic rate: €12
-26j: €9
5 UiTPAS points: €9
B-classic and CC de Bogaard stir you up with adventurous concerts in Truien's prime heritage.
Lying between centuries-old murals, tripping on classical music and a night of pounding on Beethoven & co: the festival Beroert by B-Classic and CC de Bogaard explores adventurous paths in beautiful, centuries-old locations. But forget hard folding chairs and looking straight ahead: BEROERT takes a different approach.
On Sunday, for young and old, there is Songs with roots XL by Zonzo Compagnie in the Academy Hall. Featuring folk songs from all over the world, culled by music archaeologist Alan Lomax.
Once there was a man who travelled the world with a tape recorder under his arm. His goal: to record the most beautiful folk songs and make sure they would never be lost. His name: Alan Lomax. Musician Jan Van Outryve selected the most beautiful songs from Lomax's gigantic archive, arranged them for a six-piece band and filled two wonderful CDs with them. With Liedjes met Wortels XL, Jan performs the very best from these CDs live, with the full band.
In front of you are Aline Goffin, Naomi Beeldens and Lieselot De Wilde, three brilliant singers giving their best. Behind them, a unique band with Jan Van Outryve, Tim Vandenbergh, Didier François & Tijl Piryns. Together they bring music to party, cry, sleep, remember, adventure, ... Piece by piece gems with their own story.
Expect a vibrant and moving concert for everyone from 5 years old.